How fabulous was the blog hope on Sunday? Did you check out everyone’s blog out? After posting I spent some time hopping from one to another and it was just fantastic, so many creative individuals and I’m just so lucky to have taken part. I absolutely love the Everything is Rosy Product Medley so please make sure you you get yours today, don’t miss out!
I was going start this paragraph with ‘Today’s card’ however it’s not a card. Shock I know but I brought these little wooden disks a while ago and really just left like I needed to do something with them. Of course you all know me well enough by now to know I’m going to heat emboss on it. You’ll also know how much I love this sentiment from the Calls for a Celebration Stamp Set. I’m so sad it is leaving us, I’ve made so many cards with this set.
All the supplies used to create this card are available by contacting me direct or by clicking on the images below. Don’t forget for all orders between £20.00-£99.00 add the Hostess code for a free gift from me at the end of the month! For orders of £99.00, why not purchase the Starter Kit and get £130.00 worth’s of supplies for just £99.00.
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